Vota Italia 2018...Parte Due(An Election Thread)

  • Vota Italia 2018...Parte Due(An Election Thread)

    robertstandley, 21.07.2018 12:05


    With the first major global election of the year now heading to its second round, our eyes now turn to a time to have a vote in early March. Italy goes to the polls on March 4 to choose a new Chamber of Deputies and a new Senate. Matteo Renzi's Democrats, after a humiliating third-place finals in Sicilian elections in November, lost its lead to Beppe Grillo's Five Star Movement, which is known to be a populist, anti-vaccine, and eurosceptic, as a major transit point for refugees and immigrants, legal and illegal, from North Africa and the Middle East, immigration is a major issue. In the first place, Silvio Berlusconi and his revived Forza Italia, another group on the rise of the center-right coalition dominates party.They've become increasingly critical of the government's approach to the immigration issue. Another major player in this group is the anti-immigrant and populist Northern League (LN).

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