in :

Wie viele Stimmen (in Prozenten) erhalten die Parteien bei der Parlamentswahl in Neuseeland 2017?

Teilnehmer: 33
Marktstart: 10.07.2017 21:00
Marktschluss: 23.09.2017 03:10
Top Trader: derjörglvomHimmel

Parlamentswahl Neuseeland 2017

Dieser Markt ist inaktiv. Derzeit können keine Prognosen abgegeben werden.

Parlamentswahl in Neuseeland 2017

Fragestellung des Marktes:
Wie viele Stimmen (in Prozenten) erhalten die Parteien bei der Parlamentswahl in Neuseeland 2017?

Gehandelt werden koennen folgende Aktien:

10.07.2017 21:00

23.09.2017 03:10


0,01 - 100,00

Initiale Anzahl Credits:
50.000,00 Ex und zusätzlich

Payout rules
Every share held by a trader in his/her portfolio at the end of the exchange will be paid out according to the actual result of this share after the election.

Explications to the market question
For trading on the election stock market the value «party strength» has been defined as the expected value for the party stocks.

The party strength all over New Zealand in percent defined the issuing price of the six party stocks at the launch of the SRG election stock market.

The four party stocks base on the bigger parties New Zealand National Party (NATS), New Zealand Labour Party (Labour), Green Party of New Zealand (Greens) plus New Zealand First (NZ First).

The remaining parties with party strengths smaller than 5 percent are summarized as a single party stock «Others». On the one hand it supports the visibility and the overview of the market and the according charts. On the other hand the market focuses on the strongest parties and arbitrage trades with smallest party stocks can be avoided to achieve a more precise quality of the election stock market.

Definition of the stock «Others»
The stock «Others» includes all parties and independents running for the general elections, 2017, that are not listed with an own, named stock.

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Wahltermine 2014

  • Frühjahr:
  • Europawahl in der EU
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  • Landtagswahl in Vorarlberg
  • Landtagswahl in Sachsen
  • Landtagswahl in Brandenburg
  • Landtagswahl in Thüringen
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  • Parlamentswahl in Lettland
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