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Wer wird nach der Bundestagswahl 2025 neuer Bundeskanzler?

Participants: 20
Market opening: 11.02.2025 22:00
Market close: 27.04.2025 03:10
Top trader: concordia

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Ranking list of markets by 27.02.2025 01:00

The ranking is calculated daily at 00:00, 12:00 and 18:00 UTC. Next calculation at: 27.02.2025 13:00

1 - 20 by 20
Rank Participant Cash Share value Total value Yield
1 concordia - (17) - (1) - (1) +9.57 %
2 bekol 67,857.14 (3) 36,273.34 (18) 104,130.48 (2) +4.13 %
3 EKG 40.72 (19) 104,089.59 (2) 104,130.31 (3) +4.13 %
4 Seiner_Einer 2,703.82 (18) 99,791.00 (4) 102,494.82 (4) +2.49 %
5 Sibiu 2007 - (20) - (3) - (5) +2.09 %
6 Laie 17,513.10 (16) 84,115.41 (5) 101,628.51 (6) +1.63 %
7 Kritischer Analyst (!) 50,660.00 (5) 50,057.00 (14) 100,717.00 (7) +0.72 %
8 chessy 36,263.08 (14) 64,448.56 (7) 100,711.64 (8) +0.71 %
9 alpha1 60,250.50 (4) 40,070.32 (17) 100,320.82 (9) +0.32 %
10 Dr.Ottl - (15) - (6) - (10) +0.13 %
11 Jack Bauer 50,000.00 (8) 50,060.00 (9) 100,060.00 (11) +0.06 %
11 Wahlhelfer-HH 50,000.08 (7) 50,059.92 (13) 100,060.00 (11) +0.06 %
11 Major Boothroyd 50,000.00 (8) 50,060.00 (9) 100,060.00 (11) +0.06 %
11 Pons 50,000.00 (8) 50,060.00 (9) 100,060.00 (11) +0.06 %
11 miwesch 50,000.00 (8) 50,060.00 (9) 100,060.00 (11) +0.06 %
16 gruener (Luddit) - (6) - (16) - (16) +0.06 %
17 SeppH (!) 48,963.00 (12) 50,160.99 (8) 99,123.99 (17) -0.88 %
18 GOP 48,904.40 (13) 50,050.98 (15) 98,955.38 (18) -1.04 %
19 milton 90,856.08 (1) 214.28 (19) 91,070.36 (19) -8.93 %
20 hck02 85,854.65 (2) 104.84 (20) 85,959.49 (20) -14.04 %

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