in Deutschland:

How many votes (in %) will the small parties win in the Hamburg state election, 2025?

Participants: 39
Market opening: 02.02.2025 22:00
Market close: 02.03.2025 17:05
Top trader: Rollinger

Hamburg state election, 2025

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Ranking list of markets by 25.02.2025 19:00

The ranking is calculated daily at 00:00, 12:00 and 18:00 UTC. Next calculation at: 26.02.2025 01:00

1 - 25 by 39
Rank Participant Cash Share value Total value Yield
1 Rollinger 23,724.05 (39) 78,103.69 (1) 101,827.74 (1) +1.83 %
2 Sibiu 2007 - (34) - (6) - (2) +0.76 %
3 schwedi 29,076.81 (38) 71,416.07 (2) 100,492.88 (3) +0.49 %
4 sharpnutzer 37,761.95 (5) 62,724.47 (34) 100,486.42 (4) +0.49 %
5 rialex 38,161.11 (4) 62,273.72 (36) 100,434.83 (5) +0.43 %
6 Bergischer 37,613.94 (7) 62,754.79 (33) 100,368.73 (6) +0.37 %
7 basilikum 37,500.00 (8) 62,864.91 (8) 100,364.91 (7) +0.36 %
7 maceo - (8) - (8) - (7) +0.36 %
7 salbei 37,500.00 (8) 62,864.91 (8) 100,364.91 (7) +0.36 %
7 Tony Almeida - (8) - (8) - (7) +0.36 %
7 Ferre - (8) - (8) - (7) +0.36 %
7 miles 37,500.00 (8) 62,864.91 (8) 100,364.91 (7) +0.36 %
7 Pons 37,500.00 (8) 62,864.91 (8) 100,364.91 (7) +0.36 %
7 Jack Bauer 37,500.00 (8) 62,864.91 (8) 100,364.91 (7) +0.36 %
7 katrin - (8) - (8) - (7) +0.36 %
7 Dr.Ottl - (8) - (8) - (7) +0.36 %
7 HIM 37,500.00 (8) 62,864.91 (8) 100,364.91 (7) +0.36 %
7 Midnight Choir 37,500.00 (8) 62,864.91 (8) 100,364.91 (7) +0.36 %
7 Hauke Haien - (8) - (8) - (7) +0.36 %
7 Oban 37,500.00 (8) 62,864.91 (8) 100,364.91 (7) +0.36 %
7 pallepiep - (8) - (8) - (7) +0.36 %
7 christophrothfuss - (8) - (8) - (7) +0.36 %
7 last-exit - (8) - (8) - (7) +0.36 %
7 Dominique Kupfer 37,500.00 (8) 62,864.91 (8) 100,364.91 (7) +0.36 %
7 Major Boothroyd 37,500.00 (8) 62,864.91 (8) 100,364.91 (7) +0.36 %

Top movers: Hamburg state election, 2025

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