Registration and Login

You first have to register and create a personal account. To enrol click on «Registration» located on the left side of the main screen.

Participation is free of charge. After you have registered you will receive an email with your password. You will then be able to log in with your user name and password.

After registering you will be able to choose the market in which you want to trade.

Virtual capital

Participation is free. Each participant receives a virtual starting credit balance in the stock market currency (EX). The objective is to grow this amount through skilful trading.

Business hours

The political stock market is open 24 hours a day so you can place orders anytime. Each trade is free of charge.


You will find the market place with all the stocks you can trade. Browse through the abbreviation of the stocks and you will see the order book with four orders each on the bid and ask side.

To submit an order, please specify the amount of shares as well as your limit price. Your order will then be executed at your specified price or at a better price as soon as there are matching orders on the opposite side of the market.

Your order is only considered if the amount of shares you want to sell does not exceed the number of shares you have available, or if the volume of your buy offer does not exceed your available funds.

You can specify the running time of your orders. Errors which might occur during the placement of the order are shown on the trading screen.

The «My Orders» button shows your open orders, both selling and buying orders. Here you can cancel orders at any time by clicking the «Edit» button to edit, cancel, and order.

A click on the «My Transaction» button shows your completed trades.

Bundle trading

Instead of trading single stocks, you can also buy and sell so-called bundles in the «Trade share bundles» area underneath the shares list.

The bank offers these share bundles at a fixed price for the entire duration of the trading period. Share bundles are packages that contain one share of every type of stock. The bank also buys back share bundles at this same fixed price for the duration of the trading period. The price of a share bundle always corresponds to the market value.

Please choose whether you want to buy or sell portfolios and enter the number of bundles you want to trade. Your trade will take place if you have enough shares to sell the specified amount of bundles or enough money to buy the bundles.

To place bundle orders irrespective of your cash or the stock's volume in your account please activate the «Overcommit» function in the «Settings».

Settlement – share value (Redemption Rule)

At the close of the market and following the announcement of the official market results all shares will be settled according to the value stated in the market description.

Please look at the market descriptions to find out how the stocks will be rated after the market closes.

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