in Wahlen 2011:

CH - What will be the party strength (in percent) of the small parties in the Swiss House of Representatives election 2011?

Participants: 676
Market opening: 22.07.2011 18:00
Market close: 23.10.2011 05:31
Top trader: last-exit

House of Representatives election 2011 – small parties

This market is inactive. No predictions can currently be made.

Ranking list of markets by 02.11.2011 02:43

The ranking is calculated daily at 00:00, 12:00 and 18:00 UTC. Next calculation at: -

601 - 609 by 609
Rank Participant Cash Share value Total value Yield
601 Edeen 14,497.26 (601) 0.00 (1) 14,497.26 (601) -27.51 %
602 S.H. 14,420.29 (602) 0.00 (1) 14,420.29 (602) -27.90 %
603 kamil23 14,012.21 (603) 0.00 (1) 14,012.21 (603) -29.94 %
604 Trixlikitty 13,773.69 (604) 0.00 (1) 13,773.69 (604) -31.13 %
605 EZ 12,936.38 (605) 0.00 (1) 12,936.38 (605) -35.32 %
606 Auderset 11,085.74 (606) 0.00 (1) 11,085.74 (606) -44.57 %
607 presley 11,027.89 (607) 0.00 (1) 11,027.89 (607) -44.86 %
608 SVP-Hasser 10,687.02 (608) 0.00 (1) 10,687.02 (608) -46.56 %
609 Evy 10,277.96 (609) 0.00 (1) 10,277.96 (609) -48.61 %
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