in Wahlen 2011:

CH - What is the voter turnout in the Swiss parliamentary elections 2011?

Participants: 276
Market opening: 28.08.2011 18:00
Market close: 23.10.2011 05:33
Top trader: Wahlhelfer-HH

Swiss parliamentary elections 2011 - Voter turnout

This market is inactive. No predictions can currently be made.

Parliamentary elections 2011 - turnout

Question of the market:
CH - What is the voter turnout in the Swiss parliamentary elections 2011?

The shares below can be traded:

Market opening:
28.08.2011 18:00

Market close:
23.10.2011 05:33

Market value:

Trading range:
0.01 - 100.00

Initial seed capital:
50,000.00 Ex and additionally

Payout rules
Every share held by a trader in his/her portfolio at the end of the exchange will be paid out according to the actual result of this share after the election.

Turnout of voters
Turnout (%) = Relation between voters and all citizens entitled to vote.


Entitled to vote



 19713'549'4262'018'07756.9 %
 19753'735'0371'955'74052.4 %
 19793'864'2851'856'65148.0 %
 19834'068'9401'989'96048.9 %
 19874'214'5951'958'45646.5 %
 19914'510'5212'076'90146.0 %
 19954'596'2091'940'62242.2 %
 19994'628'7822'004'40843.3 %
 20034'779'7332'161'92145.2 %
 20074'915'6232'373'07148.3 %

* Cast ballots
Source: Bundesamt für Statistik (BFS) / Statistik der Nationalratswahlen []

More data: turnout by canton:
Bundesamt für Statistik (BFS): xls 172 KB []

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