in Wahlen 2011:

SG - How many votes (in %) will the candidates win in the Swiss Senate elections 2011 in the Canton St. Gallen?

Participants: 376
Market opening: 31.08.2011 18:00
Market close: 23.10.2011 05:45
Top trader: last-exit

Senate elections in Canton St. Gallen

This market is inactive. No predictions can currently be made.

Shares - list (bought back)

Share Name Prediction
ø 1 day
ø 3 days
ø 7 days
Closing price Result
Total 200.00% 200.00% 200.00% 200.00% 200.00%
Brunner, SVP Toni Brunner, SVP 44.68% 44.88% 46.47% 44.43% 36.00%
Difference Difference share -% -% -% -% 4.37%
David, CVP (bisher) Eugen David, CVP (bisher) 42.44% 42.58% 41.90% 42.64% 30.50%
Difference Difference share -% -% -% -% 3.73%
Gilli, Grüne Yvonne Gilli, Grüne 17.10% 16.86% 16.47% 17.30% 15.40%
Difference Difference share -% -% -% -% 1.93%
Keller-Sutter, FDP-Lib Karin Keller-Sutter, FDP-Lib 46.58% 46.73% 46.47% 46.70% 64.40%
Difference Difference share -% -% -% -% 8.09%
Rechsteiner, SP Paul Rechsteiner, SP 41.06% 41.23% 41.26% 39.94% 28.30%
Difference Difference share -% -% -% -% 3.47%
Gehrig, BDP Jürg Gehrig, BDP 8.14% 7.72% 7.44% 8.99% 3.40%
Difference Difference share -% -% -% -% 0.41%
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