in Wahlen 2011:

SG - How many votes (in %) will the candidates win in the Swiss Senate elections 2011 in the Canton St. Gallen? (Second ballot)

Participants: 376
Market opening: 03.11.2011 16:00
Market close: 27.11.2011 03:35
Top trader: last-exit

Senate elections in Canton St. Gallen

This market is inactive. No predictions can currently be made.

Ranking list of markets by 27.11.2011 14:32

The ranking is calculated daily at 00:00, 12:00 and 18:00 UTC. Next calculation at: -

326 - 345 by 345
Rank Participant Cash Share value Total value Yield
326 Dexdexter 165,085.98 (326) 0.00 (1) 165,085.98 (326) -17.46 %
327 swissmerican 164,838.01 (327) 0.00 (1) 164,838.01 (327) -17.58 %
328 seetalplatz 163,936.83 (328) 0.00 (1) 163,936.83 (328) -18.03 %
329 rubino 159,574.53 (329) 0.00 (1) 159,574.53 (329) -20.21 %
330 RO2009JA (!) 157,883.28 (330) 0.00 (1) 157,883.28 (330) -21.06 %
331 sokrates2 157,031.21 (331) 0.00 (1) 157,031.21 (331) -21.48 %
332 leorue 156,909.30 (332) 0.00 (1) 156,909.30 (332) -21.55 %
333 LeLocle 156,402.91 (333) 0.00 (1) 156,402.91 (333) -21.80 %
334 brrein 156,057.69 (334) 0.00 (1) 156,057.69 (334) -21.97 %
335 Ferdy 154,515.24 (335) 0.00 (1) 154,515.24 (335) -22.74 %
336 00mr 151,726.00 (336) 0.00 (1) 151,726.00 (336) -24.14 %
337 Winossos 150,978.83 (337) 0.00 (1) 150,978.83 (337) -24.51 %
338 Sepp2 143,668.84 (338) 0.00 (1) 143,668.84 (338) -28.17 %
339 yamoutchki 139,374.31 (339) 0.00 (1) 139,374.31 (339) -30.31 %
340 wähler100 118,600.01 (340) 0.00 (1) 118,600.01 (340) -40.70 %
341 MissLizzy 118,436.05 (341) 0.00 (1) 118,436.05 (341) -40.78 %
342 marinsli 117,334.98 (342) 0.00 (1) 117,334.98 (342) -41.33 %
343 Samson 99,282.31 (343) 0.00 (1) 99,282.31 (343) -50.36 %
344 mutz - (344) - (1) - (344) -70.14 %
345 hausim 40,427.86 (345) 0.00 (1) 40,427.86 (345) -79.79 %
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