in Wahlen 2011:

CH - How many seats will each party win in the 2011 Swiss Senate elections?

Participants: 507
Market opening: 22.08.2011 18:30
Market close: 04.12.2011 06:30
Top trader: last-exit

Swiss Senate elections - allocation of seats

This market is inactive. No predictions can currently be made.

Swiss Senate elections 2011 - allocation

Question of the market:
CH - How many seats will each party win in the 2011 Swiss Senate elections?

The shares below can be traded:

Market opening:
22.08.2011 18:30

Market close:
04.12.2011 06:30

Market value:

Trading range:
0.01 - 26.00

Initial seed capital:
27,000.00 Ex and additionally

Payout rules
The party strength (seats) in the Swiss Senate defined the issuing or starting price of the party stocks at the launch of the SRG election stock market.

Every share held by a trader in his/her portfolio at the end of the stock market will be paid out according to the actual result of this share after the election.

Definition of the stock «Others»
The stock «Others» includes all parties in the market that are not listed with an own, named stock.

The market value is 46 Ex according the amount of members in the Swiss Senate (Council of States).

Already elected candidates
- Appenzell Innerrhoden: The Landsgemeinde [] has reelected Ivo Bischofberger (CDP) as its only member in the Swiss Senate (01.05.2011).
- Nidwalden: The cantonal government declared Paul Niederberger (CDP) elected in tacit election.

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