in Wahlen 2011:

ZH - How many votes (in %) will the candidates win in the Swiss Senate elections 2011 in the Canton Zurich? (Second ballot)

Participants: 313
Market opening: 04.11.2011 16:00
Market close: 27.11.2011 03:50
Top trader: Martin_12

Senate elections - Canton Zurich

This market is inactive. No predictions can currently be made.

Ranking list of markets by 27.11.2011 20:30

The ranking is calculated daily at 00:00, 12:00 and 18:00 UTC. Next calculation at: -

201 - 225 by 260
Rank Participant Cash Share value Total value Yield
201 Green Energy 194,580.90 (201) 0.00 (1) 194,580.90 (201) -2.71 %
202 whatever 194,556.32 (202) 0.00 (1) 194,556.32 (202) -2.72 %
203 wahlenzukunft 194,521.50 (203) 0.00 (1) 194,521.50 (203) -2.74 %
204 FOURoli4 - (204) - (1) - (204) -3.12 %
205 Holidutu 193,667.60 (205) 0.00 (1) 193,667.60 (205) -3.17 %
206 Turmales 193,401.00 (206) 0.00 (1) 193,401.00 (206) -3.30 %
207 00mr 193,130.00 (207) 0.00 (1) 193,130.00 (207) -3.44 %
208 Mathias 193,046.30 (208) 0.00 (1) 193,046.30 (208) -3.48 %
209 paulquappe 193,030.04 (209) 0.00 (1) 193,030.04 (209) -3.48 %
210 tkv 192,816.50 (210) 0.00 (1) 192,816.50 (210) -3.59 %
211 Sokratesli 192,509.00 (211) 0.00 (1) 192,509.00 (211) -3.75 %
212 nicki.8820 191,514.78 (212) 0.00 (1) 191,514.78 (212) -4.24 %
213 swissippino 191,507.88 (213) 0.00 (1) 191,507.88 (213) -4.25 %
214 grazinski 190,976.41 (214) 0.00 (1) 190,976.41 (214) -4.51 %
215 Hopp-30 190,676.23 (215) 0.00 (1) 190,676.23 (215) -4.66 %
216 marinsli 190,085.39 (216) 0.00 (1) 190,085.39 (216) -4.96 %
217 dan-be 189,745.77 (217) 0.00 (1) 189,745.77 (217) -5.13 %
218 morgens 189,678.08 (218) 0.00 (1) 189,678.08 (218) -5.16 %
219 NR-hilf 188,995.13 (219) 0.00 (1) 188,995.13 (219) -5.50 %
220 CRICKET 188,862.72 (220) 0.00 (1) 188,862.72 (220) -5.57 %
221 Fritz die Katz 188,845.00 (221) 0.00 (1) 188,845.00 (221) -5.58 %
222 Hermaniger 188,784.30 (222) 0.00 (1) 188,784.30 (222) -5.61 %
223 Kaspar E. 187,263.96 (223) 0.00 (1) 187,263.96 (223) -6.37 %
224 Aldarich 186,744.08 (224) 0.00 (1) 186,744.08 (224) -6.63 %
225 schweizerinnen 186,488.06 (225) 0.00 (1) 186,488.06 (225) -6.76 %
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