in Wahlen 2011:

ZH - How many votes (in %) will the candidates win in the Swiss Senate elections 2011 in the Canton Zurich? (Second ballot)

Participants: 313
Market opening: 04.11.2011 16:00
Market close: 27.11.2011 03:50
Top trader: Martin_12

Senate elections - Canton Zurich

This market is inactive. No predictions can currently be made.

Ranking list of markets by 27.11.2011 20:30

The ranking is calculated daily at 00:00, 12:00 and 18:00 UTC. Next calculation at: -

26 - 50 by 260
Rank Participant Cash Share value Total value Yield
26 Capicapi 226,390.34 (26) 0.00 (1) 226,390.34 (26) +13.20 %
27 cysc1 225,793.86 (27) 0.00 (1) 225,793.86 (27) +12.90 %
28 dominikpeter 225,682.06 (28) 0.00 (1) 225,682.06 (28) +12.84 %
29 bici 222,834.30 (29) 0.00 (1) 222,834.30 (29) +11.42 %
30 orlux 222,805.70 (30) 0.00 (1) 222,805.70 (30) +11.40 %
31 Ewiger Kandidat 222,508.50 (31) 0.00 (1) 222,508.50 (31) +11.25 %
32 Alexandre Tartare 221,857.85 (32) 0.00 (1) 221,857.85 (32) +10.93 %
33 Baargunner 221,284.91 (33) 0.00 (1) 221,284.91 (33) +10.64 %
34 cosmo - (34) - (1) - (34) +10.62 %
35 Wuschu90 221,220.33 (35) 0.00 (1) 221,220.33 (35) +10.61 %
36 piccolomini 220,292.19 (36) 0.00 (1) 220,292.19 (36) +10.15 %
37 Mühle zu 220,095.74 (37) 0.00 (1) 220,095.74 (37) +10.05 %
38 pho 219,200.11 (38) 0.00 (1) 219,200.11 (38) +9.60 %
39 thomi60 218,810.71 (39) 0.00 (1) 218,810.71 (39) +9.41 %
40 marinko 218,502.52 (40) 0.00 (1) 218,502.52 (40) +9.25 %
41 stevie wonder 218,306.63 (41) 0.00 (1) 218,306.63 (41) +9.15 %
42 zigzag 218,296.33 (42) 0.00 (1) 218,296.33 (42) +9.15 %
43 Jack Bauer 216,925.79 (43) 0.00 (1) 216,925.79 (43) +8.46 %
44 manib 216,584.06 (44) 0.00 (1) 216,584.06 (44) +8.29 %
45 Winossos 216,523.20 (45) 0.00 (1) 216,523.20 (45) +8.26 %
46 smah 215,733.08 (46) 0.00 (1) 215,733.08 (46) +7.87 %
47 Björn 215,690.44 (47) 0.00 (1) 215,690.44 (47) +7.85 %
48 berta 215,628.53 (48) 0.00 (1) 215,628.53 (48) +7.81 %
49 Sur 215,547.20 (49) 0.00 (1) 215,547.20 (49) +7.77 %
50 sag-sali 214,914.34 (50) 0.00 (1) 214,914.34 (50) +7.46 %
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