in Schweiz:

SG - Wie viele Stimmen (in Prozenten) erhalten die Parteien bei der Kantonsratswahl 2012 im Kanton St. Gallen?

Participants: 19
Market opening: 10.02.2012 19:00
Market close: 11.03.2012 04:59
Top trader: Jack Bauer

Kantonsratswahlen 2012 - Kanton St. Gallen

This market is inactive. No predictions can currently be made.

Shares - list (bought back)

Share Name Prediction
ø 1 day
ø 3 days
ø 7 days
Closing price Result
Total 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
SPP Swiss People's Party 27.89% 30.48% 30.48% 27.12% 25.39%
CDP Christian Democratic Party 23.21% 16.08% 16.09% 23.24% 23.45%
FDP FDP.The Liberals / Radical Party 15.14% 16.55% 16.55% 15.17% 18.40%
SDP Social Democratic Party 16.46% 17.99% 17.98% 17.04% 16.30%
Others Other parties 17.30% 18.90% 18.90% 17.43% 16.46%
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