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Billigt der Sonderparteitag der Grünen das Atomausstiegsgesetz bzw. ermöglicht er der grünen BT-Fraktion eine Zustimmung?

Participants: 26
Market opening: 18.06.2011 18:30
Market close: 25.06.2011 21:30
Top trader: retlow

Entscheidung der Grünen zum Atomausstieg

This market is inactive. No predictions can currently be made.

Ranking list of markets by 25.06.2011 21:30

The ranking is calculated daily at 00:00, 12:00 and 18:00 UTC. Next calculation at: -

1 - 25 by 26
Rank Participant Cash Share value Total value Yield
1 retlow 7.72 (26) 101,991.40 (1) 101,999.12 (1) +2.00 %
2 Happy 16,676.05 (20) 85,316.00 (7) 101,992.05 (2) +1.99 %
3 eisbär999 52,850.00 (7) 48,475.00 (19) 101,325.00 (3) +1.32 %
4 gruener (Luddit) - (5) - (21) - (4) +1.05 %
5 mutz - (22) - (2) - (5) +1.02 %
6 Rolinger 69.55 (23) 100,924.95 (2) 100,994.50 (6) +0.99 %
7 sokrates2 - (21) - (4) - (7) +0.92 %
8 ernst_h - (1) - (25) - (8) +0.90 %
9 wm630107 50,870.00 (8) 49,980.00 (10) 100,850.00 (9) +0.85 %
10 Dr.Ottl - (2) - (25) - (10) +0.47 %
11 sorros 30,420.21 (19) 69,811.00 (8) 100,231.21 (11) +0.23 %
12 carokann 25.27 (25) 100,052.40 (5) 100,077.67 (12) +0.08 %
13 Greenwin 43.49 (24) 99,955.45 (6) 99,998.94 (13) -0.00 %
14 trader 49,904.99 (17) 50,076.95 (9) 99,981.94 (14) -0.02 %
15 daultimatemoe 50,000.00 (9) 49,980.00 (10) 99,980.00 (15) -0.02 %
15 Sibiu 2007 - (9) - (10) - (15) -0.02 %
15 HaraldJenk 50,000.00 (9) 49,980.00 (10) 99,980.00 (15) -0.02 %
15 SachTach 50,000.00 (9) 49,980.00 (10) 99,980.00 (15) -0.02 %
15 Wahlfieber Team - (9) - (10) - (15) -0.02 %
15 chessy 50,000.00 (9) 49,980.00 (10) 99,980.00 (15) -0.02 %
15 Hart 50,000.00 (9) 49,980.00 (10) 99,980.00 (15) -0.02 %
15 Gehheimpolizei - (9) - (10) - (15) -0.02 %
23 Wolli 98,435.00 (3) 1,505.00 (24) 99,940.00 (23) -0.06 %
24 qrst20 - (4) - (23) - (24) -0.91 %
25 concordia - (18) - (20) - (25) -5.55 %

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