in Deutschland:

How many votes (in %) will the parties win in the German general election, 2025?

Participants: 104
Market opening: 06.11.2024 22:50
Market close: 23.02.2025 17:30
Top trader: Laie

German general election, 2025

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Ranking list of markets by 23.02.2025 13:00

The ranking is calculated daily at 00:00, 12:00 and 18:00 UTC. Next calculation at: 23.02.2025 19:00

1 - 25 by 104
Rank Participant Cash Share value Total value Yield
1 Laie 5,596.48 (81) 108,977.82 (2) 114,574.30 (1) +14.57 %
2 Kritischer Analyst (!) 12.86 (97) 109,499.13 (1) 109,511.99 (2) +9.51 %
3 Andena 16,445.76 (76) 89,535.94 (25) 105,981.70 (3) +5.98 %
4 wert12 - (101) - (3) - (4) +5.92 %
5 Rollinger 33,595.72 (55) 71,149.84 (41) 104,745.56 (5) +4.75 %
6 bekol 38,648.17 (13) 65,916.10 (53) 104,564.27 (6) +4.56 %
7 joensu 0.36 (103) 104,212.75 (4) 104,213.11 (7) +4.21 %
8 sorros 28.02 (93) 104,000.29 (5) 104,028.31 (8) +4.03 %
9 derjörglvomHimmel 71.68 (92) 103,227.08 (6) 103,298.76 (9) +3.30 %
10 concordia - (78) - (23) - (10) +2.75 %
11 Labruunt 25,143.83 (70) 77,196.84 (35) 102,340.67 (11) +2.34 %
12 sharpnutzer 8,613.32 (79) 93,605.76 (20) 102,219.08 (12) +2.22 %
13 chessy 897.20 (88) 101,242.83 (8) 102,140.03 (13) +2.14 %
14 Jumi1974 18,316.92 (74) 83,733.10 (30) 102,050.02 (14) +2.05 %
15 EKG 199.15 (91) 101,479.73 (7) 101,678.88 (15) +1.68 %
16 Wahlhelfer-HH 36,085.53 (16) 65,468.18 (57) 101,553.71 (16) +1.55 %
17 alpha1 4,263.80 (83) 97,253.45 (16) 101,517.25 (17) +1.52 %
18 Bergischer 34,837.96 (50) 66,516.05 (51) 101,354.01 (18) +1.35 %
19 GOP 2,524.82 (85) 98,766.79 (14) 101,291.61 (19) +1.29 %
20 breakneck - (73) - (32) - (20) +1.27 %
21 Sibiu 2007 - (67) - (37) - (21) +1.19 %
22 Seatditsch 20.69 (95) 101,161.06 (9) 101,181.75 (22) +1.18 %
23 schwedi 42,565.49 (7) 58,594.46 (98) 101,159.95 (23) +1.16 %
24 Holla1957 - (2) - (103) - (24) +1.07 %
25 Jack Bauer 41,077.61 (10) 59,824.62 (95) 100,902.23 (25) +0.90 %

Top movers: German general election, 2025

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