in Sport:

Wie viele Goldmedaillen entfallen auf die nachfolgenden Nationen?

Participants: 32
Market opening: 15.07.2012 20:00
Market close: 12.08.2012 20:59
Top trader: zk25_1

Olympia 2012 - Goldmedaillen

This market is inactive. No predictions can currently be made.

Shares - list (bought back)

Share Name Prediction
ø 1 day
ø 3 days
ø 7 days
Closing price Result
Total 302.00% 302.00% 302.00% 302.00% 302.00%
CHN China 39.35% 40.33% 40.64% 39.06% 38.00%
USA USA 45.54% 45.74% 46.26% 46.57% 46.00%
RUS Russland 24.15% 22.89% 21.84% 24.04% 24.00%
GBR Großbritannien 29.25% 28.55% 23.67% 29.04% 29.00%
GER Deutschland 11.10% 11.72% 12.69% 11.03% 11.00%
AUS Australien 7.98% 7.50% 7.48% 8.01% 7.00%
ROK Südkorea 13.71% 13.77% 14.85% 12.81% 13.00%
JPN Japan 7.03% 7.06% 7.11% 7.01% 7.00%
ITA Italien 7.99% 8.02% 8.08% 8.21% 8.00%
FRA Frankreich 12.10% 12.66% 12.76% 12.02% 11.00%
UKR Ukraine 6.05% 6.08% 6.12% 6.01% 6.00%
NED Niederlande 7.04% 6.53% 6.58% 7.01% 6.00%
KEN Kenia 3.03% 3.04% 4.29% 3.00% 2.00%
JAM Jamaika 6.10% 6.16% 7.60% 6.06% 4.00%
AND Andere 81.57% 81.93% 82.04% 82.12% 90.00%
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