Activity ranking list by 27.12.2024 08:00

The activity ranking list shows the most active participants on the electoral stock market. The more posts you write and comment or the more you buy and sell shares, the better your activity rank will be.

Next calculation 27.12.2024 11:00

Entries 10551 - 10575 by 11065
Position User Points
10,541 bright 0
10,541 pries 0
10,541 Matossa 0
10,541 jänä 0
10,555 mucherler 0
10,556 mk2602 0
10,557 LarsterChief 0
10,558 LB2909 0
10,559 freude 0
10,560 kolbi 0
10,561 mag nicht 0
10,562 mara 0
10,563 ToSch 0
10,563 Fimaje 0
10,563 Lxtfe 0
10,563 picasso 0
10,563 Veligandu 0
10,563 foxi 0
10,563 Felix.Hasler 0
10,563 lusifire71 0
10,563 Januar12 0
10,563 JAja23 0
10,563 Kusi11 0
10,574 erixxx 0
10,575 Raskolnikov 0
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