Activity ranking list by 26.12.2024 17:00

The activity ranking list shows the most active participants on the electoral stock market. The more posts you write and comment or the more you buy and sell shares, the better your activity rank will be.

Next calculation 26.12.2024 23:00

Entries 8676 - 8700 by 11065
Position User Points
8,676 andri_2 0
8,677 Yakari96 0
8,678 Giraffe66 0
8,679 grappa99 0
8,680 novosel 0
8,680 ralph1966 0
8,680 u.epprecht 0
8,680 Beanz 0
8,680 mafosi 0
8,680 Buba 0
8,680 Milan43 0
8,680 kaikiel 0
8,680 Gri Talo 0
8,680 WahlHai 0
8,690 fuchs 0
8,691 pajas 0
8,692 argunj 0
8,692 Alefilo 0
8,692 Tagi 0
8,692 venerdi 0
8,692 Baraka 0
8,692 scodi 0
8,692 Stark64 0
8,692 flosfc 0
8,692 LukasB. 0
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