Activity ranking list by 26.12.2024 05:00

The activity ranking list shows the most active participants on the electoral stock market. The more posts you write and comment or the more you buy and sell shares, the better your activity rank will be.

Next calculation 26.12.2024 08:00

Entries 10426 - 10450 by 11065
Position User Points
10,419 danihak 0
10,419 Denara 0
10,419 Grincha 0
10,419 gimir 0
10,419 jajasoso 0
10,431 chriur 0
10,432 mugjan 0
10,433 sonnyboy13 0
10,434 Uphusum 0
10,435 St.Gallen1879 0
10,436 Fritz Schreck 0
10,436 gassenhauer 0
10,436 meyerstein 0
10,436 0
10,436 tamedia-nick6 0
10,436 Nele 0
10,436 Ovie08 0
10,436 schlemoni 0
10,436 Mylène 0
10,436 Flo69 0
10,436 H_Grieser 0
10,447 123 0
10,448 Saft 0
10,449 jhenkel 0
10,450 xändi 0
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