Activity ranking list by 27.12.2024 23:00

The activity ranking list shows the most active participants on the electoral stock market. The more posts you write and comment or the more you buy and sell shares, the better your activity rank will be.

Next calculation 28.12.2024 05:00

Entries 10726 - 10750 by 11065
Position User Points
10,715 ruedimeier 0
10,727 meisser 0
10,728 chribi75 0
10,729 fritz 78s 0
10,730 regulla 0
10,731 holiganbet 0
10,731 PaulPulver 0
10,731 lucky58 0
10,731 Agnosticus 0
10,731 ctisch 0
10,731 tamedia.login+tagesanzeiger 0
10,737 Scorp 0
10,738 wvconsulting 0
10,739 sussgrofa 0
10,740 mehlog1 0
10,741 chrigu_ 0
10,742 AbdulKaleem 0
10,742 Aoratoz 0
10,742 begas 0
10,742 Rh 0
10,742 rest11 0
10,742 enzoconte 0
10,748 katie 0
10,749 interessierter 0
10,750 Faglo 0
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