Activity ranking list by 24.02.2025 05:00

The activity ranking list shows the most active participants on the electoral stock market. The more posts you write and comment or the more you buy and sell shares, the better your activity rank will be.

Next calculation 24.02.2025 08:00

Entries 1 - 25 by 11093
Position User Points
1 Dr.Ottl 15,054,476
2 Bergischer 8,482,044
3 Laie 8,179,167
4 wert12 8,152,496
5 coco 6,927,190
6 Rosevietarot 4,703,083
7 saladin 4,668,787
8 Chrysalis 4,616,548
9 milton 3,486,719
10 dseppi 3,472,681
11 mühldorfer 2,499,116
12 Wahlhelfer-HH 2,418,842
13 zk25_1 2,405,630
14 Happy 2,403,638
15 gruener (Luddit) 1,337,167
16 bekol 1,190,960
17 Hüsker 1,168,128
18 thomas24 255,227
19 sharpnutzer 129,755
20 drui (MdPB) 94,850
21 Baghira14 89,136
22 sorros 85,974
23 W.I.Uljanow 80,360
24 ronnieos 78,813
25 an-d 75,258
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