Activity ranking list by 26.12.2024 05:00

The activity ranking list shows the most active participants on the electoral stock market. The more posts you write and comment or the more you buy and sell shares, the better your activity rank will be.

Next calculation 26.12.2024 08:00

Entries 1751 - 1775 by 11065
Position User Points
1,751 chrisko 33
1,752 Richard Bolte 33
1,753 popgue 33
1,754 Loki 33
1,755 Capun 33
1,756 d.ulbricht 33
1,757 KMH 33
1,758 dockre 33
1,759 Buchgroßhandel 33
1,760 Der Seher 33
1,761 chegue 33
1,762 miamueller 33
1,763 KaBo 33
1,764 hpedersen 33
1,765 DuerrLu 33
1,766 Träumer 33
1,767 jakeroy 33
1,768 eihs 33
1,769 alpanimal 32
1,770 michi78 32
1,771 balu 32
1,772 CVP-ler 32
1,773 Kyou 32
1,774 Doughnut 32
1,775 Petber 32
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