Activity ranking list by 27.12.2024 11:00

The activity ranking list shows the most active participants on the electoral stock market. The more posts you write and comment or the more you buy and sell shares, the better your activity rank will be.

Next calculation 27.12.2024 17:00

Entries 5901 - 5925 by 11065
Position User Points
5,901 Rogga 1
5,902 froschhl 1
5,903 SantaFe 1
5,904 almtutla 1
5,905 wkfer 1
5,906 erikvic 1
5,907 22vv04vv37 1
5,908 ksp 1
5,909 RuSa 1
5,909 tom75 1
5,911 koni999 1
5,911 OB_Zocker 1
5,913 HarrySmith 1
5,913 nobody1 1
5,915 drsieber 1
5,916 st.x 1
5,917 jupp D. 1
5,918 tenerife68 1
5,918 JT-1990 1
5,920 PonziZH 1
5,921 Draklov 1
5,922 VB 1
5,923 marinavrz 1
5,924 Relmmih192 1
5,924 Eisenbieger 1
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