Activity ranking list by 26.12.2024 17:00

The activity ranking list shows the most active participants on the electoral stock market. The more posts you write and comment or the more you buy and sell shares, the better your activity rank will be.

Next calculation 26.12.2024 23:00

Entries 3476 - 3500 by 11065
Position User Points
3,476 ChristaM 10
3,477 zoex 10
3,478 jesi 10
3,479 MargaretJones 10
3,480 groovi 10
3,481 valese33 10
3,482 aoldesktopgolds 10
3,483 shailysmitth 10
3,484 ChristopherIsrael 10
3,485 ADC 10
3,486 nathanandrews 10
3,487 ivana 10
3,488 Verowal 10
3,489 liza_kay 10
3,490 quickbookshelp 10
3,491 carg032 10
3,492 ShermanBaxter 10
3,493 sofiamartine 10
3,494 lumusislight 10
3,495 robertstandley 10
3,496 flyinghigh 10
3,497 GracelynZackary 10
3,497 ronaldthomas 10
3,499 SteSchmidt 10
3,500 Jessica 10
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