Activity ranking list by 27.12.2024 08:00

The activity ranking list shows the most active participants on the electoral stock market. The more posts you write and comment or the more you buy and sell shares, the better your activity rank will be.

Next calculation 27.12.2024 11:00

Entries 10326 - 10350 by 11065
Position User Points
10,319 Stabillo 0
10,319 tuelle 0
10,319 Othmar Riesen 0
10,319 D.S. 0
10,319 paleene 0
10,319 isy 0
10,332 erbsli 0
10,333 Marius14 0
10,334 ledwon 0
10,335 ekelalfred 0
10,336 ssvetlana 0
10,336 S-svetlana 0
10,336 irusya500 0
10,336 Ottokar60 0
10,336 alecpaul 0
10,336 nmeili 0
10,336 Botaniste 0
10,336 a.patrik 0
10,336 BSP 0
10,336 stunko 0
10,336 werfas 0
10,336 Kojak 0
10,336 tamqa0001tamqa0001 0
10,336 lala92 0
10,336 jasta 0
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