Activity ranking list by 26.12.2024 05:00

The activity ranking list shows the most active participants on the electoral stock market. The more posts you write and comment or the more you buy and sell shares, the better your activity rank will be.

Next calculation 26.12.2024 08:00

Entries 8476 - 8500 by 11065
Position User Points
8,468 muezoll 0
8,477 ruudi25 0
8,478 Toggenburger 0
8,479 yn 0
8,479 natura 0
8,479 Samuel Lanz 0
8,479 yluka 0
8,479 abuhummel 0
8,479 preQuel 0
8,479 green spring 0
8,479 sevj 0
8,487 Lapin 0
8,488 lulu0815 0
8,489 jules61 0
8,490 berniesteiner 0
8,491 msofficesetuporg 0
8,491 Hauri 0
8,491 Barfedi 0
8,491 lobo42 0
8,491 loron17 0
8,491 Mpfiffi 0
8,491 Boeller 0
8,498 reinold22 0
8,499 mswbo 0
8,500 apointmedia 0
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