Traders' ranking list by 27.12.2024 23:00

The trader ranking list shows the most successful traders on the electoral stock market.
To evalute all transactions so far were taken into account. More about the exact calculation of the total ranking can be found in the Infocenter.

Next calculation 28.12.2024 05:00

Entries 2626 - 2650 by 6178
Position User Points Performance Overall performance
2,609 autonaut 46 +346.01 % +346.01 %
2,609 2rg 46 +9.95 % +0.50 %
2,609 max0711 46 +15.68 % +15.68 %
2,609 Skoda-AG 46 -73.24 % -25.15 %
2,609 bundeskanzler Dr. Namlos 46 +32.67 % +16.34 %
2,609 knausz 46 -80.51 % -33.40 %
2,609 Reiniauge 46 +3.72 % +1.86 %
2,609 mariopeter 46 +3.27 % +3.02 %
2,609 bladefire 46 +31.41 % +15.71 %
2,609 Hopehope 46 +24.39 % +17.50 %
2,609 esterhazy 46 +5.12 % +5.12 %
2,609 Yokohamas 46 +1.99 % +0.21 %
2,609 viennakojote 46 -98.43 % -32.81 %
2,609 Padavan 46 +3.75 % +3.75 %
2,609 amigo4118 46 +174.74 % +174.74 %
2,609 alf35 46 +0.77 % -22.00 %
2,609 wilfried55 46 +3.60 % +1.80 %
2,609 studere 46 +2.67 % +1.39 %
2,609 Jack30lena 46 +19.04 % +4.76 %
2,609 Bildung fürs Leben! 46 +7.28 % +7.28 %
2,609 tomgbang 46 +12.77 % +12.77 %
2,609 Gordongeckooo 46 +5.13 % +5.13 %
2,609 Merlin 46 +11.89 % +1.85 %
2,609 sapsan 46 +13.25 % -0.55 %
2,609 Stive 46 +5.67 % +5.67 %
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