Traders' ranking list by 26.12.2024 05:00

The trader ranking list shows the most successful traders on the electoral stock market.
To evalute all transactions so far were taken into account. More about the exact calculation of the total ranking can be found in the Infocenter.

Next calculation 26.12.2024 08:00

Entries 3751 - 3775 by 6178
Position User Points Performance Overall performance
3,718 realrah 29 -96.06 % -48.03 %
3,718 teenager 29 +1.26 % +1.26 %
3,718 Aleksei 29 +7.16 % +7.16 %
3,718 Justus371 29 +2.65 % +2.65 %
3,718 renegade 29 +2.60 % +1.30 %
3,718 Mr. A 29 +1.68 % +1.68 %
3,718 powi stu 29 -82.40 % -11.81 %
3,718 phreimer 29 +2.64 % +2.64 %
3,718 Schneewittli 29 +1.65 % -1.18 %
3,718 hdtv 29 +9.59 % +9.59 %
3,718 Obermeister 29 +1.80 % +1.80 %
3,718 s8854s 29 +2.57 % -0.01 %
3,718 mich94 29 +1.30 % +1.18 %
3,718 heimbaer 29 +1.75 % +1.75 %
3,718 Ginty 29 +1.77 % +1.77 %
3,718 ulli 29 +1.97 % +0.49 %
3,718 chr20 29 -5.25 % -2.62 %
3,718 defjam 29 -38.99 % -3.07 %
3,718 rbandion 29 +16.05 % +3.12 %
3,718 DerLoony 29 +1.77 % +1.77 %
3,718 Singlemalt 29 -5.05 % -2.33 %
3,718 Coroso111 29 +0.70 % +0.70 %
3,718 Kaufe alles 29 +2.45 % +2.45 %
3,718 mf 29 +1.31 % +0.78 %
3,718 Max2340 29 +2.14 % +2.14 %
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