Traders' ranking list by 26.12.2024 17:00

The trader ranking list shows the most successful traders on the electoral stock market.
To evalute all transactions so far were taken into account. More about the exact calculation of the total ranking can be found in the Infocenter.

Next calculation 26.12.2024 23:00

Entries 2976 - 3000 by 6178
Position User Points Performance Overall performance
2,959 rm1981 40 +3.01 % +3.01 %
2,959 Wahrsager64 40 +1.24 % +0.41 %
2,959 falti 40 +2.96 % +2.96 %
2,959 mbwi1963 40 +7.37 % +7.37 %
2,959 enjo66 40 +3.77 % +3.77 %
2,959 crossroad2001 40 +3.52 % +3.52 %
2,959 iwaand 40 +2.82 % +1.41 %
2,959 ecki79 40 +7.44 % +7.44 %
2,959 22vv04vv37 40 +2.38 % +2.38 %
2,959 mareiru 40 +4.31 % +4.31 %
2,959 Mee 40 +13.98 % +6.99 %
2,959 jkay 40 +4.11 % +4.11 %
2,959 HongKong 40 +0.56 % +0.18 %
2,959 Markus66 40 +3.04 % +3.04 %
2,959 nordsee-nixe 40 -1.29 % +2.90 %
2,959 KK 40 -4.47 % -4.10 %
2,959 Yogabor 40 +2.74 % +2.74 %
2,959 Elena 40 -22.14 % -1.60 %
2,959 Husarenreiterin 40 +16.72 % +8.36 %
2,959 Stuefi 40 +2.67 % +1.44 %
2,959 Populistin 40 +4.16 % +4.16 %
2,959 Ralle 40 -3.23 % -1.62 %
2,959 Merso 40 +3.72 % +3.72 %
2,959 victim 40 +4.11 % +4.11 %
2,959 Kater21 40 -3.67 % -2.99 %
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