Traders' ranking list by 26.12.2024 05:00

The trader ranking list shows the most successful traders on the electoral stock market.
To evalute all transactions so far were taken into account. More about the exact calculation of the total ranking can be found in the Infocenter.

Next calculation 26.12.2024 08:00

Entries 876 - 900 by 6178
Position User Points Performance Overall performance
876 RedondoDondo 124 -54.32 % -23.04 %
876 Schribi21.7. 124 +0.69 % +3.10 %
876 wowo20 124 +6.29 % +26.25 %
876 vosiak (!) 124 +14.49 % +2.50 %
876 Tob11 124 -395.94 % -43.80 %
876 klaus99 124 +49.22 % +5.88 %
876 Zhyniq 124 +69.12 % +17.28 %
876 houli 124 +55.26 % +27.82 %
876 Flash-Müller 124 +56.73 % +2.32 %
876 Thomas1807 124 +578.80 % +146.43 %
876 wien.23 124 +88.41 % +44.21 %
887 marmar 123 +27.91 % +4.65 %
887 kueh 123 +94.09 % -0.84 %
887 KHD 123 -75.98 % -25.33 %
887 Ed 123 -183.22 % -17.64 %
887 scoth 123 +39.91 % +19.95 %
887 Linus97 123 +7.51 % +2.50 %
887 TSWA 123 +31.57 % +14.84 %
887 herbli 123 +13.34 % +1.98 %
887 Iab4132 123 -20.67 % -1.02 %
887 schnulli 123 +49.59 % +8.71 %
887 agrippa 123 +465.51 % +166.11 %
898 Klaex 122 +42.01 % +36.69 %
898 Teitelbaum 122 +327.65 % +53.46 %
898 Nightshadow 122 +137.52 % +71.15 %
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