Traders' ranking list by 26.12.2024 05:00

The trader ranking list shows the most successful traders on the electoral stock market.
To evalute all transactions so far were taken into account. More about the exact calculation of the total ranking can be found in the Infocenter.

Next calculation 26.12.2024 08:00

Entries 5101 - 5125 by 6178
Position User Points Performance Overall performance
5,088 Mr Smiley 12 +2.16 % +2.16 %
5,088 gluszkoc 12 -184.44 % -67.36 %
5,088 bernd83 12 +0.53 % +0.53 %
5,088 Macki 12 +5.00 % +5.00 %
5,088 wahlbaerli 12 +0.46 % +0.46 %
5,088 zaza 12 +0.10 % +0.10 %
5,088 imsal 12 +0.99 % +0.99 %
5,088 J2M5 12 +0.56 % +0.56 %
5,088 MeisterWOLF 12 +0.46 % +0.46 %
5,088 Arrow 12 +9.76 % +1.95 %
5,088 Ranger 12 -59.88 % -8.55 %
5,088 Hanspi 12 +0.29 % +0.10 %
5,088 The Oz 12 +0.49 % +0.49 %
5,088 theoneh 12 -47.47 % -23.73 %
5,088 nichtraucher7542 12 -2.53 % -1.46 %
5,088 blacky 12 -30.82 % -10.27 %
5,088 bbr 12 -50.62 % -5.63 %
5,088 LuSkyrider 12 +0.51 % +0.51 %
5,088 vasil 12 +0.57 % +0.57 %
5,088 Filz 12 +0.65 % +0.43 %
5,088 Flavius 12 +1.51 % +1.51 %
5,088 Trololo 12 +0.89 % +0.89 %
5,088 daubi 12 +0.69 % +0.69 %
5,088 JSD 12 +0.54 % +0.54 %
5,088 Trapian 12 -1.45 % -0.33 %
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