Traders' ranking list by 26.12.2024 05:00

The trader ranking list shows the most successful traders on the electoral stock market.
To evalute all transactions so far were taken into account. More about the exact calculation of the total ranking can be found in the Infocenter.

Next calculation 26.12.2024 08:00

Entries 2401 - 2425 by 6178
Position User Points Performance Overall performance
2,391 deloewre 50 +44.17 % +11.04 %
2,391 Severin_Zap 50 +4.50 % +4.50 %
2,391 VfR 50 +13.05 % +13.05 %
2,391 50 +4.42 % +4.42 %
2,391 Wagner Max 50 -19.04 % -1.45 %
2,391 Hessenspektor 50 +5.04 % +2.52 %
2,391 Mausezahn 50 +6.71 % +6.71 %
2,391 tompatapom 50 +13.07 % +4.36 %
2,391 kanu 50 -58.32 % -2.56 %
2,391 Statler und Waldorf 50 +11.31 % +4.52 %
2,391 basuda1 50 -4.40 % -2.20 %
2,391 Arbeiterkind 50 +6.41 % +6.41 %
2,391 retter2 50 +6.78 % +6.78 %
2,391 jana 50 -23.65 % -7.89 %
2,391 Faxe21 50 -67.48 % -33.74 %
2,391 geeg 50 +8.79 % +8.79 %
2,391 Galgenvogel 50 -12.94 % -1.62 %
2,391 Paga 50 +4.55 % +4.55 %
2,391 webhai73 50 +1.74 % +0.87 %
2,391 Viennola 50 +16.90 % -13.27 %
2,391 powi rocks 50 -10.02 % +35.91 %
2,391 felipe 50 +3.60 % +2.50 %
2,391 Helmut12345 50 +9.01 % +9.01 %
2,391 Smith888 50 +3.00 % +1.50 %
2,391 BI 50 +6.55 % +6.55 %
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