Traders' ranking list by 26.12.2024 05:00

The trader ranking list shows the most successful traders on the electoral stock market.
To evalute all transactions so far were taken into account. More about the exact calculation of the total ranking can be found in the Infocenter.

Next calculation 26.12.2024 08:00

Entries 376 - 400 by 6178
Position User Points Performance Overall performance
376 zwetschko 326 +321.46 % +39.62 %
377 schlaxn 324 +122.32 % +10.19 %
378 Schiller4 323 +141.36 % +21.34 %
379 fjaki 321 -90.47 % -2.66 %
380 Paci 320 -375.27 % -17.06 %
381 Zaunkoenig 318 -1,376.31 % -21.53 %
382 rmc 316 -9.90 % -1.27 %
382 redlib 316 +301.58 % +27.42 %
382 Hephaistos 316 -127.51 % -7.00 %
385 grizzuf 313 -111.99 % -17.87 %
386 plage 311 -279.93 % -7.69 %
387 Mio83 310 -442.51 % -27.50 %
387 jemand 310 -62.00 % +0.92 %
389 Jonas 308 -252.67 % -13.30 %
390 Schnurr 307 -634.27 % -15.18 %
390 frauenschuh 307 +69.51 % +1.61 %
390 levis555 307 -11.44 % -1.93 %
393 hangloose 306 +218.59 % +5.20 %
393 Maren5555 306 -797.25 % -22.86 %
393 Buddy 306 -37.66 % -1.44 %
396 wwolfi 305 +107.71 % -2.31 %
396 dusteh 305 -299.42 % -6.31 %
398 Nati2010 304 -820.45 % -18.41 %
398 stockwerk 304 -40.69 % -1.78 %
400 josef1 303 +93.14 % +8.47 %
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