Traders' ranking list by 31.03.2025 00:00

The trader ranking list shows the most successful traders on the electoral stock market.
To evalute all transactions so far were taken into account. More about the exact calculation of the total ranking can be found in the Infocenter.

Next calculation 31.03.2025 06:00

Entries 276 - 300 by 6196
Position User Points Performance Overall performance
276 Takar 493 +4.39 % +0.27 %
277 AnjaHH 492 -61.11 % -15.79 %
278 hergey 489 +238.82 % +10.71 %
279 delamarche 481 +23.35 % +1.37 %
280 Orakeln 480 +204.10 % +12.83 %
281 mm90 477 +10.44 % +0.17 %
282 Barbara1 476 +5.46 % +1.03 %
283 privateer80 474 -202.82 % -2.57 %
284 1131 471 -187.38 % -1.97 %
285 Lolland 470 +35.18 % -2.02 %
286 scheiti 468 -553.87 % -21.27 %
286 Schiuv 468 -104.57 % -0.86 %
288 DonFelice 467 +114.04 % -2.41 %
288 beauty-green 467 +307.77 % +12.41 %
290 neoown1 464 -165.60 % -3.31 %
290 Rhiannon 464 +98.56 % +1.48 %
292 werner_q 462 +369.59 % +24.64 %
293 eisbär999 460 -74.42 % -1.97 %
294 jredd 459 +331.97 % +21.21 %
295 raffi 458 -67.22 % -2.92 %
296 HugoBoss 456 -24.18 % +0.23 %
297 Wahlfieber Team 454 -2.33 % +0.34 %
297 zenze 454 +98.28 % +5.46 %
297 HH_01 454 -211.96 % -8.64 %
300 Bacchus 452 +30.24 % +6.98 %
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