Traders' ranking list by 26.12.2024 17:00

The trader ranking list shows the most successful traders on the electoral stock market.
To evalute all transactions so far were taken into account. More about the exact calculation of the total ranking can be found in the Infocenter.

Next calculation 26.12.2024 23:00

Entries 1901 - 1925 by 6178
Position User Points Performance Overall performance
1,877 kant 62 +10.93 % +6.01 %
1,877 caveman99 62 -24.68 % +7.09 %
1,877 wahlhh 62 +9.26 % +9.26 %
1,877 andrea1 62 -38.99 % -9.75 %
1,877 marle 62 +6.71 % +6.71 %
1,877 diadoh 62 +6.79 % +2.12 %
1,907 mobi 61 +7.27 % +0.77 %
1,907 Camporesi 61 -36.45 % -7.29 %
1,907 Hatamoto 61 -3.94 % +1.27 %
1,907 email 61 +6.59 % +6.59 %
1,907 Beda2000 61 +6.49 % +6.49 %
1,907 Dusareview 61 -15.05 % -4.66 %
1,907 PrinzPreussen 61 +32.03 % +5.34 %
1,907 slorenz 61 +6.61 % +6.61 %
1,907 KaddaWolff 61 +9.00 % +9.00 %
1,907 auto 61 +6.55 % +6.55 %
1,907 fritzipeta 61 -470.05 % -34.01 %
1,907 Hank 61 +32.13 % +25.63 %
1,907 Berner1 61 -4.97 % -1.26 %
1,907 jj 61 -113.75 % -18.96 %
1,907 coyote 61 +9.03 % +9.03 %
1,907 Wähler 2008 61 +9.09 % +9.09 %
1,907 Alexandersson 61 -21.96 % -4.39 %
1,907 pesche 61 -0.62 % -2.05 %
1,907 Mustafa 61 +34.33 % +43.70 %
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