Traders' ranking list by 26.12.2024 17:00

The trader ranking list shows the most successful traders on the electoral stock market.
To evalute all transactions so far were taken into account. More about the exact calculation of the total ranking can be found in the Infocenter.

Next calculation 26.12.2024 23:00

Entries 401 - 425 by 6178
Position User Points Performance Overall performance
401 vipfra 302 +181.72 % +22.71 %
401 broker 302 +62.08 % +4.44 %
403 mmm 301 -71.54 % -3.17 %
404 idefix58 300 +222.70 % +22.38 %
405 worbli 299 +61.37 % +2.60 %
406 FabNaidoo 297 -120.17 % -8.58 %
407 jamesc 296 -171.06 % -6.93 %
408 AquaRoli 295 +106.80 % +2.77 %
408 LukeST 295 -3.21 % +1.15 %
410 Lares Glimmerdiek 293 -479.49 % -15.07 %
411 nostromo 292 -380.58 % -16.57 %
411 Praesidentin 292 +26.73 % +2.23 %
411 ramana 292 +77.50 % +1.87 %
414 zempm 291 +45.81 % +0.57 %
414 gcorkan 291 -68.54 % -3.73 %
416 Präsident der Republik Baden 290 +98.23 % +2.33 %
416 Rugenbräu 290 -124.60 % -2.80 %
418 Patrick4900 289 -139.95 % -4.15 %
418 Capicapi 289 +7.67 % +0.62 %
420 Caebo 287 -138.69 % -3.04 %
420 Dropkick Murphy 287 +347.86 % +57.98 %
422 meenzerman 286 -941.10 % -15.98 %
422 Politseher 286 +1.07 % +0.08 %
422 Spektor 286 -29.89 % -2.72 %
425 pele 285 +191.03 % +11.42 %
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