Traders' ranking list by 13.01.2025 17:00

The trader ranking list shows the most successful traders on the electoral stock market.
To evalute all transactions so far were taken into account. More about the exact calculation of the total ranking can be found in the Infocenter.

Next calculation 13.01.2025 23:00

Entries 2601 - 2625 by 6179
Position User Points Performance Overall performance
2,544 Loki 47 +14.24 % +2.85 %
2,544 black is beautiful 47 +9.02 % +4.51 %
2,544 Ackermann 47 +7.84 % +7.84 %
2,544 mann_von_gewicht 47 +15.64 % +5.21 %
2,544 rus17091970 47 +1.95 % +0.97 %
2,544 scater1 47 -244.79 % -30.50 %
2,544 middlehead 47 +5.21 % +5.21 %
2,544 fritzu 47 -2.52 % -1.26 %
2,609 Bildung fürs Leben! 46 +7.28 % +7.28 %
2,609 haraldinho 46 -239.09 % -45.54 %
2,609 nobisotti 46 +5.77 % +5.77 %
2,609 ch9999 46 +2.05 % +0.68 %
2,609 wahlenzukunft 46 -147.53 % -11.59 %
2,609 dellsperger 46 +7.18 % +3.59 %
2,609 fred008 46 +19.93 % +0.84 %
2,609 aristoteles063 46 +3.78 % +3.78 %
2,609 Dschubi 46 +5.80 % +5.80 %
2,609 Schwuli 46 -60.79 % -1.72 %
2,609 MichTa 46 +50.93 % +50.93 %
2,609 xandilein 46 +3.75 % +3.75 %
2,609 wilfried55 46 +3.60 % +1.80 %
2,609 Arm und Reich 46 +8.99 % +8.99 %
2,609 autonaut 46 +346.01 % +346.01 %
2,609 Reiniauge 46 +3.72 % +1.86 %
2,609 mobby 46 +5.83 % +5.83 %
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