Traders' ranking list by 26.12.2024 11:00

The trader ranking list shows the most successful traders on the electoral stock market.
To evalute all transactions so far were taken into account. More about the exact calculation of the total ranking can be found in the Infocenter.

Next calculation 26.12.2024 17:00

Entries 501 - 525 by 6178
Position User Points Performance Overall performance
501 dafoe 235 -239.45 % -26.11 %
501 O_Petersen 235 +180.67 % +3.22 %
501 KARLOS 235 +3.79 % +0.34 %
504 Shark 234 -168.50 % -29.60 %
504 xeh_tr 234 +119.53 % +9.20 %
506 funker 232 -148.63 % -21.72 %
506 bradipo 232 +51.78 % +9.07 %
506 Blubb82 232 +223.21 % +37.49 %
509 pgamp 231 -35.67 % -3.51 %
509 Piggeldi 231 -80.48 % -0.55 %
509 dresdner 231 -273.79 % -22.82 %
509 Supermario85 231 -27.59 % +0.11 %
513 Gonzo28er 230 +72.31 % +2.07 %
514 singer 229 -27.24 % -8.48 %
514 morgens 229 -7.48 % +0.79 %
516 aepfel01 228 +61.23 % +20.26 %
516 zobacek 228 +69.64 % +3.49 %
518 Azazel 227 +179.96 % +35.99 %
518 geheimrat 227 +119.03 % +11.90 %
520 Rubicon72 226 -57.60 % -3.84 %
520 morgenrot 226 +29.49 % +0.46 %
520 ckhl 226 +60.48 % +2.82 %
520 Hegnauer 226 -42.26 % -3.87 %
520 hinrich 226 -135.19 % -4.14 %
520 horstb 226 -377.01 % -12.61 %
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