Traders' ranking list by 26.12.2024 05:00

The trader ranking list shows the most successful traders on the electoral stock market.
To evalute all transactions so far were taken into account. More about the exact calculation of the total ranking can be found in the Infocenter.

Next calculation 26.12.2024 08:00

Entries 4451 - 4475 by 6178
Position User Points Performance Overall performance
4,430 PVL 20 -47.12 % -13.31 %
4,430 nihil baxter 20 +1.44 % +1.44 %
4,430 Tobias Caflisch 20 -1.24 % -0.25 %
4,430 carlo kriesi 20 +0.64 % +0.64 %
4,430 redeldas2 20 +1.02 % +1.02 %
4,430 die_sprotte 20 +4.04 % +4.04 %
4,430 ksenija8282 20 +3.86 % +1.29 %
4,430 Eisenklee 20 +1.49 % +1.49 %
4,430 siegertyp 20 +1.38 % +1.38 %
4,430 ed1983 20 +1.00 % +1.00 %
4,430 realghost 20 +0.63 % +0.63 %
4,430 Laurent-a 20 -117.50 % -35.33 %
4,430 lawega 20 +0.43 % +0.01 %
4,430 pa.loe 20 -17.27 % -1.67 %
4,430 prognos_g 20 -20.84 % -1.62 %
4,430 Guido Trevisan 20 +0.69 % +0.57 %
4,430 Dennis404 20 -97.65 % -48.83 %
4,430 muellest 20 +1.46 % +1.13 %
4,430 geistesblitz 20 +1.50 % +1.50 %
4,430 evilhand 20 +1.50 % +1.50 %
4,430 hpedersen 20 +5.73 % -0.64 %
4,430 Strandläufer 20 -3.15 % -2.79 %
4,430 hawa 20 +1.00 % +0.50 %
4,430 Benno1 20 +1.25 % +1.25 %
4,430 pezzibaer 20 +2.55 % +1.27 %
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