Traders' ranking list by 26.12.2024 11:00

The trader ranking list shows the most successful traders on the electoral stock market.
To evalute all transactions so far were taken into account. More about the exact calculation of the total ranking can be found in the Infocenter.

Next calculation 26.12.2024 17:00

Entries 1851 - 1875 by 6178
Position User Points Performance Overall performance
1,842 Jetzterstrecht 63 +6.82 % +6.82 %
1,842 dejavous1 63 +6.35 % +8.55 %
1,842 PeterRide 63 +40.04 % +12.51 %
1,842 queue 63 -115.22 % -9.15 %
1,842 Wolfgang 63 -93.17 % -46.59 %
1,842 Fritz die Katz 63 -5.17 % -3.66 %
1,842 Nikolaus 63 +9.31 % +9.31 %
1,842 Markus Fischer 63 +6.81 % +6.81 %
1,842 Haisbar 63 +6.82 % +6.82 %
1,842 flohen 63 +175.63 % +87.81 %
1,842 elfe1 63 +6.82 % +6.82 %
1,842 Kaja 63 +9.30 % +9.30 %
1,842 flachwurzler 63 +6.79 % +6.79 %
1,842 jokkloster 63 +9.29 % +9.29 %
1,842 muckermaus 63 -27.35 % +2.26 %
1,842 McBain 63 -16.96 % +1.81 %
1,842 einherjer 63 -88.07 % -11.20 %
1,842 Paulas_Papa 63 +4.88 % +2.44 %
1,842 kris 63 +124.35 % +41.45 %
1,842 thielw 63 +6.81 % +6.81 %
1,842 matzi1977 63 +10.70 % +2.20 %
1,842 hunzimunzi 63 +6.81 % +6.81 %
1,842 Ewa 63 -13.94 % -3.45 %
1,842 Faber 63 +0.52 % +8.30 %
1,842 RuediS 63 +1.48 % +0.87 %
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