Traders' ranking list by 26.12.2024 17:00

The trader ranking list shows the most successful traders on the electoral stock market.
To evalute all transactions so far were taken into account. More about the exact calculation of the total ranking can be found in the Infocenter.

Next calculation 26.12.2024 23:00

Entries 1626 - 1650 by 6178
Position User Points Performance Overall performance
1,602 wahl2008 70 +10.30 % +10.30 %
1,602 Janto1977 70 -61.14 % -15.29 %
1,602 aliercan 70 +79.41 % -5.15 %
1,602 Katha 70 -1.56 % -0.39 %
1,602 spritzgag 70 -94.58 % -7.15 %
1,602 urodoc 70 +10.30 % +10.30 %
1,602 hofinger 70 +35.87 % +17.93 %
1,602 orakel2008 70 +10.41 % +10.41 %
1,602 jazuA 70 +17.61 % +17.61 %
1,602 bergsteigerbua 70 -81.56 % -27.19 %
1,602 celestine42 70 +27.13 % +4.68 %
1,602 sniper20 70 +8.38 % +4.19 %
1,638 maxman 69 -5.47 % -0.39 %
1,638 boarder 69 +10.27 % +10.27 %
1,638 Schnucki 69 +10.10 % +10.10 %
1,638 Hiuser 69 +10.29 % +10.29 %
1,638 jayjayo 69 +8.29 % +0.23 %
1,638 Plexus 69 +10.07 % +10.07 %
1,638 prommy 69 -187.41 % -53.06 %
1,638 ericmk 69 +20.10 % +6.70 %
1,638 kw-boar 69 +10.09 % +10.09 %
1,638 oiler 69 +7.34 % +7.34 %
1,638 hillary08 69 +16.04 % +5.35 %
1,638 Gittes Jake 69 +7.32 % +7.32 %
1,638 mrwolf 69 -78.08 % -5.90 %
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