Traders' ranking list by 26.12.2024 17:00

The trader ranking list shows the most successful traders on the electoral stock market.
To evalute all transactions so far were taken into account. More about the exact calculation of the total ranking can be found in the Infocenter.

Next calculation 26.12.2024 23:00

Entries 426 - 450 by 6178
Position User Points Performance Overall performance
425 tripbeat 285 -75.79 % +0.52 %
427 campos 284 +648.64 % +63.83 %
427 Banker 284 -287.93 % -21.21 %
427 Jaschi 284 -175.54 % -7.46 %
430 manib 280 +9.68 % +2.07 %
431 enfo 279 +304.62 % +50.77 %
431 tholan 279 +159.13 % +10.97 %
433 Lasso 278 -6.67 % +3.82 %
434 sheimers 277 -1.93 % +0.49 %
434 Arnheim 277 +156.89 % +17.61 %
434 Arthur 277 +104.40 % +14.64 %
437 PrinceTM 276 -408.31 % -16.16 %
438 Paulschneider 275 +45.30 % +5.96 %
439 Player666 272 +537.20 % +60.62 %
439 attrax 272 -35.61 % -0.38 %
441 trt812 (!) 271 +76.50 % +13.55 %
441 dexter 271 -33.48 % -6.08 %
443 Cha 270 +202.21 % +22.45 %
443 Gerhard25 270 -163.29 % -14.84 %
443 Kielerwesten 270 -44.41 % +1.47 %
443 fentao 270 -160.53 % -11.14 %
443 Dexdexter 270 -95.84 % -0.33 %
448 Bones 269 +32.25 % +0.30 %
448 lopa 269 +2.87 % +0.26 %
448 Alexander2213 269 +179.50 % +20.68 %
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