Traders' ranking list by 27.12.2024 17:00

The trader ranking list shows the most successful traders on the electoral stock market.
To evalute all transactions so far were taken into account. More about the exact calculation of the total ranking can be found in the Infocenter.

Next calculation 27.12.2024 23:00

Entries 1526 - 1550 by 6178
Position User Points Performance Overall performance
1,509 ref-mp 73 +8.08 % +8.08 %
1,509 spawny 73 +8.10 % +8.10 %
1,509 luciusgraf 73 +4.73 % +0.03 %
1,509 Michail_Neumann 73 +11.10 % +11.10 %
1,509 pietermc 73 +10.93 % +10.93 %
1,509 pusmoh 73 -292.94 % -8.68 %
1,509 Nebelnick 73 +8.16 % +8.16 %
1,509 Curie-Weiss 73 -69.42 % -23.14 %
1,509 Steppenwolff 73 +13.44 % +3.36 %
1,509 TL12345 73 -67.34 % -13.71 %
1,509 schnecke 73 +8.05 % +8.05 %
1,509 Mike73 73 +8.29 % +8.29 %
1,509 tondo1958 73 +8.15 % +8.15 %
1,509 supiluliuma 73 +11.06 % +11.06 %
1,509 nrg42 73 +8.04 % +8.04 %
1,509 molay 73 +8.11 % +8.11 %
1,509 miso_ramen 73 +5.91 % +2.86 %
1,509 vikingX 73 -33.15 % -5.28 %
1,509 danwahlfieber 73 +0.04 % +0.01 %
1,509 Wirtschaftswunder 73 +26.02 % +5.84 %
1,546 Peng 72 -106.00 % -7.46 %
1,546 JoeKool 72 +10.77 % +10.77 %
1,546 Hansi123 72 +11.78 % +7.70 %
1,546 Prentice 72 -25.71 % -5.39 %
1,546 Prabhu 72 -38.64 % -6.23 %
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