Traders' ranking list by 26.12.2024 17:00

The trader ranking list shows the most successful traders on the electoral stock market.
To evalute all transactions so far were taken into account. More about the exact calculation of the total ranking can be found in the Infocenter.

Next calculation 26.12.2024 23:00

Entries 701 - 725 by 6178
Position User Points Performance Overall performance
699 Sushi 157 +82.11 % +13.35 %
699 Marko 157 -184.51 % -11.45 %
699 Wolfgang119 157 +107.49 % +8.21 %
699 Shibby 157 -52.61 % -20.97 %
699 matrixpate 157 -6.62 % -0.95 %
699 MBA 157 +205.41 % +44.96 %
699 medienlauser 157 +67.94 % +8.49 %
699 Purzel 157 +296.43 % +59.29 %
709 ni_ke64 156 +22.31 % +4.58 %
709 almhirsch 156 +166.41 % +52.47 %
709 Pierre 156 +119.40 % +23.88 %
709 Marius 156 +41.72 % +17.51 %
713 Longbottom 155 +12.93 % +9.14 %
713 cupido 155 -33.07 % -1.89 %
715 schaagg 154 -91.09 % -8.87 %
715 paulyy 154 +100.28 % +9.10 %
715 154 +254.12 % +63.53 %
715 phoenix 154 -33.06 % -14.78 %
719 Blogger93 153 +25.13 % +2.68 %
719 sirpat 153 -71.03 % -11.89 %
721 Austrian53 152 -221.86 % -23.44 %
721 red.lion 152 +94.44 % +27.04 %
721 wrrbg 152 +255.71 % +84.05 %
721 pete_mk 152 +250.04 % +28.02 %
721 Paladin0815 152 +68.41 % +8.55 %
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