zigzag on political stock market

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Market ranking - current rank

Market Position Participants
Karlsruhe mayoral election 2012 87 179
Niedersachsen federal election, 2013 67 127
US Presidential election, 2012 (electoral votes - swing states) 28 37
US Presidential election, 2012 - 538 market 10 47
Oberbürgermeisterwahl Stuttgart 2012 12 58
US presidential election, 2012 32 80
Greek parliamentary election 2012 21 54
Landtagswahl in NRW 2012 - Drittstäkste Kraft 10 37
Landtagswahl in NRW 2012 - Einzug FDP / Linke 23 40
Wisconsin gubernatorial recall election 2012? 9 22
New York Republican Primary 2012 2 25
Pennsylvania Republican Primary 2012 1 24
Landtagswahlen Schleswig-Holstein 2012 - Koalitionsmarkt 7 107
Landtagswahlen Schleswig-Holstein 2012 - Wahlbeteiligung 18 73
London mayoral election, 2012 25 27
Wisconsin Republican Primary 2012 11 24
North Rhine-Westphalia federal election 2012 18 133
North Rhine-Westphalia federal election 2012 (small parties) 10 108
Louisiana Republican Primary 2012 3 19
Bundespräsidentenwahl 2012 15 23
Landtagswahlen Schleswig-Holstein 2012 - Einzug FDP / Linke / Piraten 8 155
Landtagswahlen Saarland 2012 - Grüne / Piraten 17 35
Illinois Republican Primary 2012 20 21
Missouri Republican Caucus 2012 14 19
Mississippi Republican Primary 2012 4 20
Kansas Republican Caucus 2012 4 25
Parlamentswahlen Frankreich 2012 20 49
Parlamentswahlen Serbien 2012 3 22
Bürgermeisterwahlen Innsbruck 2012 11 30
Greek parliamentary election 2012 1 39
neuer Bundespräsident 2 24
French presidential election 2012 54 71
Arizona Republican Primary 2012 17 23
Republican Super Tuesday 2012 24 33
Virginia Republican Primary 2012 2 26
Gemeinderatswahlen Innsbruck 2012 7 36
Grand Conseil election 2012 in Thurgau 9 21
Ohio Republican Primary 2012 21 24
Michigan Republican Primary 2012 5 27
Washington Republican Caucus 2012 6 22
Schleswig-Holstein federal election 2012 16 468
Schleswig-Holstein federal election 2012 (small parties) 10 200
Minnesota Republican Caucus 2012 16 28
Nevada Republican Caucus 2012 12 27
Landtagswahlen Saarland 2012 8 89
Landtagswahlen Saarland 2012 (kleine Parteien) 19 56
Florida Republican Primary 2012 2 34
South Carolina Republican Primary 2012 4 33
Bundesratserneuerungswahl 2011 (1. Wahlgang Widmer-Schlumpf) 77 97
New Hampshire Republican Primary 2012 21 34
Candidates SPP for the Cabinet 2011 78 83
Kanton Basel-Stadt - Volksinitiative Nichtraucherschutz 2011 8 24
Slovakian parlamentary election 2012 4 31
Canton Freiburg - Grand Conseil election 2011 5 23
Slovenian parlamentary election 2011 5 22
Major election 2011 in Luebeck 17 58
Senate elections - Canton Aargau 27 222
Senate elections - Canton Bern 19 252
Senate elections - Canton Glarus 45 91
Senate elections - Canton Lucerne 87 116
Senate elections - Canton Schaffhausen 91 120
Senate elections - Canton Solothurn 128 179
Senate elections in Canton St. Gallen 212 345
Senate elections in Ticino 91 105
Senate elections - Canton Thurgau 100 131
Senate elections - Canton Uri 101 119
Senate elections - Canton Vaud 33 86
Ständeratswahlen 2011 - Kanton Zug 90 96
Senate elections - Canton Zurich 42 260
Swiss Senate elections - allocation of seats 7 457
Swiss Parliamentary election in Aargau 23 82
Swiss Senate election 2011 - Canton Appenzell Ausserrhoden 50 134
House of Representatives 2011 - Canton Basel-Landschaft 29 72
House of Representatives 2011 - Canton Basel-Stadt 23 144
House of Representatives 2011 - Canton Bern 30 149
House of Representatives 2011 - Canton Fribourg 92 113
House of Representatives 2011 - Canton Geneva 4 88
House of Representatives 2011 - Canton Graubünden 63 211
Swiss Parliamentary election in Neuchâtel 18 58
House of Representatives 2011 - Canton Ticino 31 112
House of Representatives 2011 - Canton Vaud 7 99
Swiss Parliamentary election in Zurich 60 143
Swiss parliamentary elections 2011 - Voter turnout 101 261
Swiss Cabinet election 2011 394 426
Parliamentary election Spain 2011 23 37
House of Representatives election 2011 – smallest parties 48 293
Federal election Berlin 2011 4 96
House of Representatives election 2011 – small parties 57 609
Republican Presidential Nominee 2012 9 85
Eurovision Song Contest 2011 - Gewinner 12 29
Eurovision Song Contest 2011 10 31
Kantonale Wahlen Zürich 2011 31 46
Landtagswahl Baden-Württemberg 2011 23 189

Market ranking - total

Market Position Participants
Pennsylvania Republican Primary 2012 1 24
Greek parliamentary election 2012 1 39
New York Republican Primary 2012 2 25
Virginia Republican Primary 2012 2 26
neuer Bundespräsident 2 24
Florida Republican Primary 2012 2 34
Parlamentswahlen Serbien 2012 3 22
Louisiana Republican Primary 2012 3 19
Mississippi Republican Primary 2012 4 20
Kansas Republican Caucus 2012 4 25
Slovakian parlamentary election 2012 4 31
South Carolina Republican Primary 2012 4 33
House of Representatives 2011 - Canton Geneva 4 88
Federal election Berlin 2011 4 96
Michigan Republican Primary 2012 5 27
Slovenian parlamentary election 2011 5 22
Canton Freiburg - Grand Conseil election 2011 5 23
Washington Republican Caucus 2012 6 22
Landtagswahlen Schleswig-Holstein 2012 - Koalitionsmarkt 7 107
Gemeinderatswahlen Innsbruck 2012 7 36
Swiss Senate elections - allocation of seats 7 457
House of Representatives 2011 - Canton Vaud 7 99
Landtagswahlen Schleswig-Holstein 2012 - Einzug FDP / Linke / Piraten 8 155
Landtagswahlen Saarland 2012 8 89
Kanton Basel-Stadt - Volksinitiative Nichtraucherschutz 2011 8 24
Republican Presidential Nominee 2012 9 85
US Presidential election, 2012 - 538 market 10 47
Wisconsin gubernatorial recall election 2012? 9 22
North Rhine-Westphalia federal election 2012 (small parties) 10 108
Landtagswahl in NRW 2012 - Drittstäkste Kraft 10 37
Schleswig-Holstein federal election 2012 (small parties) 10 200
Eurovision Song Contest 2011 10 31
Bürgermeisterwahlen Innsbruck 2012 11 30
Wisconsin Republican Primary 2012 11 24
Oberbürgermeisterwahl Stuttgart 2012 12 58
Nevada Republican Caucus 2012 12 27
Missouri Republican Caucus 2012 14 19
Grand Conseil election 2012 in Thurgau 9 21
Bundespräsidentenwahl 2012 15 23
Schleswig-Holstein federal election 2012 16 468
Minnesota Republican Caucus 2012 16 28
Landtagswahlen Saarland 2012 - Grüne / Piraten 17 35
Arizona Republican Primary 2012 17 23
Eurovision Song Contest 2011 - Gewinner 12 29
North Rhine-Westphalia federal election 2012 18 133
Swiss Parliamentary election in Neuchâtel 18 58
Landtagswahlen Saarland 2012 (kleine Parteien) 19 56
Senate elections - Canton Bern 19 252
Parlamentswahlen Frankreich 2012 20 49
Illinois Republican Primary 2012 20 21
Greek parliamentary election 2012 21 54
Ohio Republican Primary 2012 21 24
New Hampshire Republican Primary 2012 21 34
Landtagswahl in NRW 2012 - Einzug FDP / Linke 23 40
House of Representatives 2011 - Canton Basel-Stadt 23 144
Swiss Parliamentary election in Aargau 23 82
Landtagswahl Baden-Württemberg 2011 23 189
Republican Super Tuesday 2012 24 33
London mayoral election, 2012 25 27
Senate elections - Canton Aargau 27 222
Parliamentary election Spain 2011 23 37
US Presidential election, 2012 (electoral votes - swing states) 28 37
Major election 2011 in Luebeck 17 58
House of Representatives 2011 - Canton Basel-Landschaft 29 72
House of Representatives 2011 - Canton Bern 30 149
House of Representatives 2011 - Canton Ticino 31 112
US presidential election, 2012 32 80
Kantonale Wahlen Zürich 2011 31 46
Senate elections - Canton Vaud 33 86
Senate elections - Canton Zurich 42 260
Landtagswahlen Schleswig-Holstein 2012 - Wahlbeteiligung 18 73
Senate elections - Canton Glarus 45 91
House of Representatives election 2011 – smallest parties 48 293
Swiss Senate election 2011 - Canton Appenzell Ausserrhoden 50 134
French presidential election 2012 54 71
House of Representatives election 2011 – small parties 57 609
Swiss Parliamentary election in Zurich 60 143
House of Representatives 2011 - Canton Graubünden 63 211
Niedersachsen federal election, 2013 67 127
Bundesratserneuerungswahl 2011 (1. Wahlgang Widmer-Schlumpf) 77 97
Candidates SPP for the Cabinet 2011 78 83
Karlsruhe mayoral election 2012 87 179
Senate elections - Canton Lucerne 87 116
Ständeratswahlen 2011 - Kanton Zug 90 96
Senate elections in Ticino 91 105
Senate elections - Canton Schaffhausen 91 120
House of Representatives 2011 - Canton Fribourg 92 113
Senate elections - Canton Thurgau 100 131
Senate elections - Canton Uri 101 119
Swiss parliamentary elections 2011 - Voter turnout 101 261
Senate elections - Canton Solothurn 128 179
Senate elections in Canton St. Gallen 212 345
Swiss Cabinet election 2011 394 426
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